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Bryan Yarrington

Government :: Boards

Town Board

Meets Fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm Town Hall

The Town Board is an elected local government board of officials who ensure all areas of their jurisdiction is being maintained and cared for.

Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include:

  • Attend Board meetings, hearings and workshops and vote on all matters and questions before the Board.
  • Oversee and vote upon disbursement of town funds.
  • Oversee and vote upon public works issues in the best interest of the town, review/vote upon all bids for associated work.
  • Review monthly reports from Department Heads.
  • Work with planning, zoning, and public health officials in the best interest of the town and its citizens./li>
  • Accept committee assignment for overseeing departments.

Relevant People

Bryan Yarrington

Bryan Yarrington

  Town Supervisor

  • Originally elected to the Town Board in 2018.
  • Full-time History Teacher at Dundee Central School.
  • U.S. Navy Ship Serviceman Second Class
  • BA, MS University of Connecticut

Nathaniel Olney

  Deputy Supervisor

Tom Petro III

  Town Councilperson

Calvin Crosby

Calvin Crosby

  Town Councilperson

Supporting Documents

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